Sunday, May 8, 2011

Vacation Bible School!

Hi playgroup friends!

Wednesday is the deadline to register for Vacation Bible School don't miss it!

Register online by clicking here! Forward this message to your friends who may have forgotten to sign-up :)

And after you register, mark your calendar for the VBS Kick-off - JUNE 5th!

This will be a special time of family worship and a fun fellowship meal on Sunday June 5 beginning at the 5 o'clock service!

Would you help us spread the word?

Our hope is to bring whole families together for fellowship (I know some dads who are excited about experiencing a little VBS fun!), help new families meet more Adventers, and get to know guests who may be joining us for our VBS week. We'll even start learning those VBS songs you love to hear all summer :)

But we need you don't miss it!

I'm passionate about VBS because it not only reaches children, but it is a way to reach whole families, and all for God's Glory! The VBS team would appreciate your prayers, too!

If you have any questions, feel free to call me or Tricia!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Backpacks for Children

Playgroup friends,

We received the following email from Anna Colvin and wanted to be sure you knew about this opportunity to serve along side your children....

May 2, 2011

Hi everyone,

We know so many of us are looking for ways to help the children affected by the storms that devastated our state this past week. We have been trying to think of a way for our children to understand the enormity of what happened and involve them in helping those children that have lost so much. The need is so great and it is basic necessities that these children need. I wanted to let everyone know about an opportunity to help these children. We are going to be stuffing backpacks on Thursday at Anna Colvin’s house. We will stuff each backpack with a pair of new pajamas, pack of new underwear, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, soap, drink, and fun activity. We would love for you to bring your children and have them help us and also play in the yard. If you can join us, please bring a lunch and we will provide drinks. Come as long or as short as you would like. We will be there from Noon until we are done and would love any and all help. If you would like to donate any of these items, please let me know. If you would like to contribute but cannot join us on Thursday, items can be dropped off in Anna’s carport at any time. Any and all help is welcomed and appreciated. Anna’s address: 1932 Southwood Road

Thanks in advance for your contribution.

Anna 305-7108

Saturday, April 30, 2011

May Playdates!

Please join us for Playtime in the Park!
Tuesday May 3rd at 10:30 a.m.
Canterbury Park (intersection of Canterbury Rd. and Overbrook Rd.)
(No rain date)

Looking for an afternoon option?
Come toss a frisbee and skip on the lawn while listening to
Advent's own Stephen Knight perform his
Samford Carillon Concert
Wednesday May 4th at 4:30 sharp
Front center lawn in front of the library; Park in the circle around the flag poles.
(No rain date)

Already wanting to "chill out"?
Join us at Splash Pad at Celebration Park in Gardendale
Friday May 20th at 10:00 a.m.
(Wear your swimsuits; no rain date)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

April Showers Bring May Flowers!

Spring has Sprung! April Playdates!

Advent Lenten Lunches (Now through April 22nd)
Don't forget to take advantage of Lenten Lunches (Service is 12:05 to 12:30) particularly on Mondays and Thursdays when childcare is available in the nursery (11:30-1:15)! Come listen to wonderful speakers, and enjoy a delicious lunch!

Park Time ~ Tuesday April 5th at 10:30 a.m.
Let's meet for fun at the Crestline Tot Lot. We will meet at the Emmet O'Neal Library (right next door) story hour at 10:30 if it rains.

Advent Annual Easter Walk ~ Sunday April 17th at 3:00p.m. Rain or shine.
Please join other families at the church to enjoy one of the most meaningful events of Holy Week. Let's prepare our hearts to worship our Lord and Savior on Easter Sunday! Invite your friends and neighbors to join you on this guided tour through six reenacted scenes of Christ’s life as you enter Holy Week. Wave palms as Jesus enters Jerusalem, break bread with Jesus during the Last Supper, be with Jesus as he prays to his Father in the Garden of Gethsemane...

There will be singing, arts and crafts for children ages 4K-4th grade, and refreshments. The program is for ages 4 to 94, and a nursery will be provided for ages 3 and younger (although you are welcome to bring younger children through the walk if you feel they would enjoy participating). Dress is very casual.

Easter Egg Hunt ~ Wednesday April 20th at 3:30
Advent's Meet Me at the Park Playgroup and St. Amelia's Guild will co-sponsor the Advent egg hunt Wednesday April 20 at 3:30 for children from infancy through kindergarten. The hunt will be held at Anna Colvin's home 1932 Southwood Road (Rain date will be Saturday April 23rd at 9:30). For more information or to volunteer to help please call Melissa Franklin at 261-1199 or Eleanor Smith at 933-0955.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Last Minute Afternoon Treat!

Wednesday February 16th at 4:30p.m. sharp!
Carillon Concert at Samford University
Please join us to hear a lovely carillon (bells) concert played by our own Adventer, Stephen Knight! Bring a snack, blanket, balls, and frisbees, and sit on the lawn in front of the library while the children run and play! Enter the main gates at Samford University, and park in the circle straight ahead. Walk up the center steps, and look around the lawn for a good place to set up camp!

March! Spring is Coming! Lenten preparations!

Blue Bell Ice Cream Factory Tour
Monday March 7th at 10:00 sharp!
Please join us for a tour of The Blue Bell Ice Cream Factory in Sylacauga, Alabama! All ages welcome! The tour lasts approximately 45 minutes, and will start promptly at 10:00, so plan to arrive by 9:45. Tickets are $3 for adults, $2 for children age 6-14 and seniors 55+, and free for 5 and under. Travel time from Birmingham is estimated at 1 hour. For detailed directions, please go to the Sylacauga Blue Bell website at
If you plan to attend, please email to confirm. An ice cream treat will be provided!

Lenten Season
March 9 (Ash Wednesday) - April 23 (Holy Saturday)
March 9 Ash Wednesday Services 7:30a.m., 10:30 a.m., and 6:00p.m.
Lenten Lunches: Monday through Friday 12:05 to 1:ooish
Childcare provided on Mondays and Thursdays from 11:30 to 1:30
(You could volunteer to help OR simply come enjoy being spiritually and physically fed!)

***Please note: We posted an article last year, "Observing Lent with Little Ones" that might be helpful as you plan to teach your children about this season of the Church year and prepare your family for a meaningful Easter...

Park Playtime at Overton Road Park!
Tuesday March 22nd at 10:30
Please join us for fun at the park! Don't forget your balls and frisbees!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Join us for February Fun!

Tuesday February 8th at 10:30 - Emmet O'Neal Library
Please join us for story time for all ages in the children's department. Afterwards, we will make a valentine to share with children at Children's Hospital. And if the weather holds out, we may walk down the block to the Tot Lot for some playground fun. You might consider bringing a snack or lunch to enjoy if we make it to the park! Hope to see you there!

Monday February 21st at 10:30 - McWane Science Center
Let's meet at the Itty Bitty Magic City to start with, and we can move around from there if the children want to explore other areas!

QUESTION FOR YOU!!!! Do you have any interest in touring the Blue Bell Ice Cream Factory in Sylacauga one morning? If so, would Monday March 7th or Tuesday March 8th work best for you? Please respond via e-mail to

As always, remember that you are welcome to attend Lunch Bunch Thursdays at 11:30 at the church. Heidi teaches the women's Bible study, and the children enjoy their own study/play time in the church nursery.

Coming up... Don't forget Lenten lunches will be starting Wednesday March 9th and continue through Thursday April 21st. Let's plan to meet together several times throughout this season to enjoy a short time of reflection and worship and a lovely meal!