Monday, July 19, 2010

August Playdates

We hope to see you in August! Please mark your calendars for our upcoming playdates:

Tuesday, August 3rd

at 10:00 am at the Pink House

Please join us for a MUSICAL playdate at the Pink House! Known for it's interative and FUN Kindermusik programs, the Pink House is located in downtown Forest Park. Snacks will follow our fun! To help us plan, please comment on the blog post (or send me an email) if you can attend.

Tuesday, August 17th

at 10:00 am at the
Southern Museum of Flight!

Let's celebrate National Aviation Day (there's a day for everything!) at the Southern Museum of Flight. Admission is free on this day (and throughout the week of the 17th). If you are interested, we can follow up our visit with lunch at VJ's on the Runway(a meat and veggie cafeteria).

Hope to see you in August!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Advent Women's Retreat

Have you heard about the women's retreat yet? Keep checking the Adventurer and purple sheet for information about registration but for now, hopefully, the information below (from a flyer received at the Thursday women's study) will encourage you to save the date! It would be great to have many of you there!

Have you ever longed for a "closer walk with God?" Have you ever wanted to draw nearer to Jesus? Do you hope for a sense of that "peace which passes all understanding?" If so, this retreat might be for you. The focus of the weekend will be engaging with the word of God in Holy Scripture and engaging with the Word of God, Jesus, in prayer.

Where: Children's Harbor Retreat Center on Lake Martin

When: 5:00 pm August 20th to 11:00 am August 22nd

What: We will have three retreat addresses, small group time, opportunity for private prayer and counsel, and social gathering time. We will end with Holy Communion on Sunday.

Cost: $100