Friday, September 10, 2010

September is here!

September always seems to sneak up on me!

Here are some dates for you to put on your calendar:

Sunday, September 12 is RALLY DAY!
Rally Day is so much fun! 3K and older get to watch the sermon skit before going to Sunday school to meet their new teachers.
AND the Old Fashioned Picnic at the Birmingham Children's Zoo is Not To Be Missed! The picnic starts at 5 pm.
Full Moon BBQ, Carousel Rides, BINGO, Animal Demonstrations and More. If the kids want to play in the water, remember their towels and suits. $8/adults $5/children

Tuesday, September 21 at 10:00 am
Please join us to play at the Splash Pad at Celebration Park in Gardendale. It is located at 2191 Fieldstown Road. The water turns on at 10:00 am and if we get there a little early there is a great playground next to the Splash Pad. Picnic lunch is optional. Raindate is Tuesday, September 28...

Hope to see you in September!